Why does your little or large piece of internet land matter? Do you really need to share it with God? Is God using your service or voice for His Kingdom? Does it matter to God that you blog creative kids crafts or post weekly on Instagram? Does it matter if I seek to give God glory through my platform?
As a Christian, the answer is a simple yes.
God isn’t an occasional guy who tunes in every now and then and scrolls your feed to see if you’ve included him in a hashtag or not. He isn’t waiting for you to like that latest Christian article on your friends page. He is an all-in guy who sees your heart in these things, and we don’t fool him with appearances and profiles.
This is a God who so loves you and longs to be a part of every aspect of your life.
He cherishes you.
He has given you the gifts, talents, and passions you are pursuing in your social media and life. He delights in seeing you use them and develop them. He is passionate about you. He longs for your love for Him to spur you on in a deeper relationship with Him. He wants you to be seeking His will and purpose as you develop your brand, blog, voice and platform.
I’m not saying go change the mission of your blog, only post scripture, or scratch your product idea because it doesn’t scream “I’m a Christian”. But what is your heart with these things? Are you seeking God first? Are you truly desiring to glorify God with the gifts He has given you?
And let me tell you, this is a worthy God.
This God whose love for you is so incredible He spent generations hatching a plan to rescue you from death and an eternity apart from Him. This God who sent His son to live a human life on earth, to experience all the things we do, and, in the end, conquers sin and death and gives us freedom and hope and eternal life. This God is more than worthy of our love.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37
With your at home life, with your mothering, with your singleness, with your blog, with your talents, with your friendships, with your pains and sorrows, joys and gifts.
With the things that captivate our hearts, reach our souls, and challenge our minds, let God be… Click To TweetWith the things that captivate our hearts, reach our souls, and challenge our minds, let God be there too. He is the giver of all good things.
So does it (insert your ‘it’ here) matter? Of course, it does. He loves you that much and more.