What is the Mission Behind Your Message?

ephesians 4:29 in social mediaI once wrote a totally hilarious blog post. It was a blunt and sarcastic and was well-received by the audience I wrote it for.

However, a group of people were offended by it. I didn’t write it to this audience, and their interpretation of the post was not what I intended it to be.  This group was quick to pour out a slew of wagging fingers and shame-hurling comments. As they started including my children in the negative comments, I took my name off the post.

I had written this post to entertain. When it was read in context it really wasn’t shaming this group of people. They were filling in the blanks with their own interpretation. I walked around with tangled up guts for weeks. The fact that I had made anyone, or worse – many,  feel like I was insulting them on such a personal level crushed me.

I decided then and there that I needed to have a mission behind each sentence I released from my brain to the online world. At that point I made my it mission ‘to entertain and empower’ with my online life.

In this age of technology there is an endless production and consumption of words. We can tell ourselves that our words are diluted. Or we can tell ourselves that our words are more meaningful than ever, now that they are in the daily stream of many others’ newsfeed. There is tremendous power in our words they can either build up or tear down. And every word has an audience. From the ones we utter in a hush to ourselves, to the side comments at a break room table, to the words we all-caps-shout in an Instagram post.

mission of our message

When I read Ephesians 4:29 I often think of my mom’s father who passed when I was young. His legacy is one of tender loving. I remember how he was always so quiet, and the only words he spoke were sincere and helpful. I also think of my paternal Grandpa. Whenever we visit him he reminds us to have good tires, good brakes, and to always talk kindly to our kids. He says that will become the voice they hear in their hearts. These men have the wisdom and ways to live out what this scripture is saying.

I often think of the words that come out of my mouth, but do I often think of how I speak in social media? I feel like I have often compartmentalized my online life as ‘not really counting’ – but we are all accountable, in all parts of our life.

When we use this verse in the context of our online words, we can remember the power in a negative post. It may go viral but is it tearing down or building up?

We can remember that not everything we have to say needs to be said. It can feel good to say it, it can be true, but is it necessary? Will it benefit our audience? Will it benefit our online portfolio?

We can remember that there are many ways we can share God’s grace with our words, it doesn’t have to be outright evangelism. When there is a message that brings grace, whether about laundry piles or foster care, there is a message with God’s love in it.

Of course, we can’t cater to every single reader. We can’t control each person’s interpretation of our message. We can’t let fear of our audience’s reaction water down the truth. We can’t let apathy set in because we avoid it all together. The juggle to serve our audience, speak truth and unleash what is in our hearts is a different tightrope walk for each person. It can be messy to find this balance but it will also deepen everything you know about your audience, your voice, your story, and God’s truth.

So don’t let anyone tell you that what you have to say isn’t that impactful, or important. Don’t let yourself forget that every message you tweet, talk, blog, or gram has a power behind it. The power to tear down, or the power to build up.

Make your words ones that . . . Entertain | Empower | Equip | Educate | Encourage | Empathize | Evoke | Ease

Make your words ones that Entertain, Empower, Equip, Educate, Encourage, Empathize, Evoke, Ease Click To Tweet

A Little Light is a Canadian community for Christian women who want to use their online and offline platforms to glorify God. Find out what we are up to and how to join the community HERE





About Shawna Scafe

Co-founder of A Little Light Author of simpleonpurpose.ca

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